Hub City Highlanders is hosting a free bagpipe workshop!
9am Sat Feb 1st, 2025 at USM in Hattiesburg, USM Union Room G. There will be signs directing to the room

This workshop is for beginners up to pipers who have never competed before. The instructor will be Matthew Beall, PM of HCH.
Topics to cover: A brief History of the GHB, Basic Music Theory, How to read bagpipe music (a different language), Embellishments and technique exercises, Piob, Light music (Slow Airs, Marches, Reels, Jigs, Strathspeys, Hornpipes), How to learn bagpipe music, How to memorize bagpipe music, Singing the tune/expression,
Full pipes: maintenance and setup, setting your pipes up to you (should be comfortable), Taking your pipes in/out of your case, Holding the pipes (pipes down/ready/up, up and full with corked pipes), Striking in (under tone, double tone, over tone), Blowing steady (manometer), Basics of reeds: how do they work, setting up for comfort and balance, Chanter reed, Drone reeds, Tuning.
Playing: How to wear the uniform and conduct yourself as a piper, How to play for a funeral, How to play for a wedding, Hot to play for a ceremony, How to fit into a pipe band, Playing in a group/band, Marching- turning- counter march- marking time- halt-, PMs directions, DMs directions, How to deal with burnout.
If you’re still awake after all that, we can play a free game of laser tag!
RSVP or email for more info if needed:
WEEKLY IRISH MUSIC SESSIONS Thursdays 7pm at Ole Tavern on George Street