ATHLETIC DIRECTOR: DANNY WEBSTER , Backyard Rebellion Highland Games
Event information from Danny:
1) There will be two fields at the venue. A distance field (field 1) and a height/caber field (field 2). They are beside each other but will be cordoned off from each other.
2) Each group will be assigned a beginning time and field number to begin the competition.
3) The groups that are assigned to field 1 will compete in both stones, both weights and both hammers on day one.
4) The groups that are assigned to field 2 will compete in caber, weight over bar and sheaf on day one.
5) On day two, you will report to the field you did not compete in on day one to finish your events.
6) There will be two report times. Half of the competitors will report at 8 am and begin at 8:30 am and the other half will report at 12 pm and begin at 12:30 pm. My goal is to have no athlete competing for more that 5 hours on a given day.
7) Once registration is complete and I receive the rosters, the decisions of bracketing the groups with start times and field numbers will be determined.
8 For athletes reporting at 8 am, you will be served lunch upon completing your assigned events for the day around 12 pm. For athletes reporting at 12 pm, you will be served dinner upon completing your assigned events for the day around 5 pm.
9) You are allowed to arrive early and/or stay late on both days. You do not have to wait until your assigned reporting time nor leave the festival or field area when you complete your day. Fellowship is allowed at all times.
10) Rotation of the distance field will be Braemar, Open Stone, Heavy Weight for Distance, Light Weight for Distance, Heavy Hammer, and Light Hammer. This rotation will be followed no matter your beginning event. If you begin at Heavy Hammer, you will rotate to LH then Braemar and end with LWFD. This will allow a consistent flow and prevent confusion. There will be no jumping to events randomly because a trig is open. This will be structured.
11) Rotation of the height field will be Sheaf, Caber, WOB.
12) You will have a maximum of 10 minutes in between each event to prepare for the next event. This includes obtaining snacks, fluid, and warmups. If there is an emergency or restroom break that requires more time, inform the judge or the field director of the need immediately. Otherwise, if you are not ready when the judge calls your name, it will be considered a foul and next thrower will be called to continue. There are facilities at the field with running water to facilitate athletes quickly.
13) I will determine the beginning heights for each individual group for sheaf and wob. This is what the judge will set the bar at. I will attempt to make this a fair height, however, I am not overly concerned with each competitor obtaining a mark. This is a world championship game. You may have to begin at your personal record because of the other competitors in your group. If you have a problem with the opening height, consult Merl or myself. Not the judge following orders.
Your implements will be provided by Mike Landrich. Sheafs will be from Jason Clevenger. Merl Lawless will be assisting me in running the game and will be the Athletic Director for field 2. I will personally oversee field 1.